Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Powerful Arm Workouts For Women

What are the best arm workouts for women?  Lucky for you there is a simple answer.The best arm workouts for women are also the best arm workouts for men.“What? I don’t want to get massive like a man…”.Relax.

There are many many exercises that any woman or man could do to exercise different parts of their arm, but to keep it simple lets focus on just a couple that will get results.  Everyone talks about Michelle Obama’s arms and how much they love them. Well here is how you can win over your own Barack with some simple arm workouts.

Arm toning and strengthening exercises are important throughout life, says Dan Agresti, exercise physiologist and owner of ProActive Health and Fitness in Denver. exercises for women  And the benefits go way beyond looking good in a tank top.Life is a lot better when you're strong,says Agresti.It's fun to know I can do just about any task.

How is getting a stronger, sleeker upper body like math? It's something otherwise smart women think they just can't accomplish. Or they use the excuse of getting too "bulked up." The moves here definitely won't turn you into the Incredible Hulk, but they will get your arms longer, leaner, and ready to bare when the weather warms up. Best of all, most can be done at home using your own body weight

Here's something you'll love to learn: Your shoulders and upper back tend to carry less fat than the rest of your body, so the right arm exercises can give this area a nearly instant makeover,For this arm workout, use five-to eight-pound weights, perform 15 to 20 reps of each exercise and go from one move to the next with little or no rest between. Do two or three sets three times a week. 

Monday, 19 August 2013

How to Choose The Best Yoga For You

If Jennifer Aniston's perpetually toned bod or a coworker's serenity during stressful times has convinced you to give yoga a try, you've come to the right place. We've put together a primer on styles that blast calories, promote relaxation, or increase your flexibility.Read this and soon you'll be reaping the amazing benefits of this ancient form of exercise.

Yoga is the epitome of mind over muscle: Holding those twisty balanced poses takes strength and flexibility, certainly, but even more critical is the ability to stay focused and concentrate. All types of yoga can help you learn this practice of "being in the moment." What's different from style to style is pace, intensity, and degree of spirituality. Use this guide to choose which of the most popular types of yoga best suits you.

Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga is for you if you are a beginner, a non-exerciser, are feeling physically (and mentall) inflexible or stiff, pregnant women (with some modified poses), and seniors. Scuba divers and anyone else who wants to learn how best to control their inhaling and exhaling during physical activity will benefit from Hatha yoga.Physically, Hatha yoga, when practiced correctly, with a focus on breathing and not pushing beyond personal limitations, is the least strenuous form of yoga.Hatha yoga is non-aerobic, which means it will not get your heart rate up and you probably will not sweat.

Iyengar yoga
Iyengar yoga is for also for beginners, or for those who may have taken a break from exercise.The foccus of Iyengar yoga is on the use of yoga props. Props are used to aid inflexibility, and help you slowly stretch muscles over time. Try a few classes, if you can, where the props are provided, before investing in yoga props. learn yoga excercises The props commonly used in Iyengar yoga practice include a block, a chair, a pillow or a stretchy strap.Physically, Iyengar yoga will tone muscles, strenghthen and open problem areas (ex. hips joints), and with regular practice, may even help ease chronic aches and pains. Iyengar yoga should cover most basic yoga poses, giving the practitioner a broad base of yoga knowledge.

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is best suited to people who will enter into the practice with an open mind, want to meditate, and are looking for relaxation. Kundalini yoga may be practiced by beginners, non-exercisers and seniors. Kundalini yoga may also benefit those with addictions.The focus of Kundalini Yoga is on the mind-body connection, and its effect on wellness. Kundalini yoga may be considered "new age" by some. Kundalini combines guided relaxation sessions with chanting and meditations. There is much emphasis on controlling inhaling and exhaling.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanaga yoga is for physically-fit people, exercisers seeking to increase their strength, exercisers looking to lengthen their stamina, and for athletes.Mentally Ashtanga yoga is not as meditative as other forms of yoga. However, with so much of your mind focused on breathing and moving in and out of Ashtanga yhoga positions, your mind will let other things go, and there will be a stress-release factor.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Walking is The Best Exercise For Lose Weight

Walking is the easiest and cheapest ways for losing weight. All you need is a high level of motivation and a good pair of shoes It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days of the week. You don't need to do it in one session. You can divide the time into three 10 minutes periods
You might be able to lose weight that way, depending on the duration and intensity of your walking and what your diet's like. But eating fewer calories through dietary changes seems to promote weight loss more effectively than does physical activity.

That's not to say physical activity, such as walking the best exercise, isn't important for weight control  it is. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories a day. (To lose a pound a week, you generally need to eliminate 500 calories a day.) Of course, the more you walk and the quicker your pace, the more calories you'll burn.

Being active is an important part of any weight-loss or weight-maintenance program. When you're active, your body uses more energy (calories). And when you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight loss.

While diet has a stronger effect on weight loss than physical activity does, physical activity, including exercise, health benefits of workout has a stronger effect in preventing weight gain and maintaining weight loss.

To reap the most health benefits from exercise, your exercise intensity must generally be at a moderate or vigorous level. For weight loss, the more intense your exercise, or the longer you exercise, the more calories you burn. However, balance is important. Overdoing it can increase your risk of soreness, injury and burnout. If you're new to regular exercise and physical activity, you may need to start out at a light intensity and gradually build up to a moderate or vigorous intensity.

The body gets its energy from three primary sources: carbohydrates, fat, and protein. For the first 20-30 minutes of exercise that gets your heart rate up, carbohydrates are usually the primary source of muscular energy. Carbs are ideal because they are quick and easy fuel, requiring the least amount of oxygen to burn. If you were to suddenly get up from your computer and sprint for one minute, you would be burning carbs. However, once exercise time exceeds 30 minutes, there is an increased reliance on fat stores for energy because you begin to run out of the easy stuff.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Best Tricep Exercises For Building Arm Size

If you want to exercise your triceps and make them big and strong you can search on the Internet for the best tricep exercises. Some of the best tricep exercises are also great for your chest muscles. Some of the best tricep exercises are ranked by performance.

The dip is the top exercise on the list for best tricep exercises. It is a useful exercise and it involves lifting your own body weight. This exercise for building arm is about controlling and balancing your body while lifting. If you are do more sets of this exercise, it will definitely have results.

Bigger arms is the goal for many when they engage in weight training programs and the triceps muscle is the key to increasing the number on the tape when measuring your arms. It makes up nearly 2/3rds of your arm and is responsible for elbow extension. So every ‘pushing’ motion requires action by the triceps muscle as opposed to pulling motions that recruit the biceps.

The number 1 mistake is doing endless biceps curls & triceps extensions to build bigger arms. This works at the advanced level, bodyweight exercises for fitness but for beginners it's inefficient and counterproductive.

Curls & Extensions.
Beginners need compound exercises to build overall muscle mass, not isolation exercises. First big picture, then the details.

Overtraining Your Arms.
Arms are small muscles which you hit on all exercises. You can't train them 5x/week. Muscles grow when they rest.

Neglecting Other Muscles.
This will get you out of proportion. Your arms will be too big compared to the rest of your body and you'll look funny.

Not Eating Enough Food.
You'll never get 18” biceps if you only weigh 120lbs at 6'. You must gain weight to build bigger arms.

Your arms are a very visible part of your body, and usually the first place someone will look to check out how strong and muscular you are.The desire for guys to want big, head turning arms is understandable, but growth can be a real sticking point for some people. So, to help kick your arm growth into first gear, I’ve put together some of the best mass building exercises for your biceps and triceps.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Buy Guide To Sitting Comfortably For Meditation

The following article provides a short overview of how to meditate, suitable for printing out and keeping by your side while you're still learning. For a fuller discussion, see the article A Beginning Meditation Method.

If you’re like me, you didn’t pay attention to your teachers. It’s not that what they had to say wasn’t important, it’s just that I had more important things to do. While I eventually did pick up whatever it was that they were trying to communicate, there were a few things like proper sitting habits that eluded my memory banks.

A guidebook to sitting comfortably in meditation, Lasater points out that constructive sitting starts with the pelvis (aka the base) and moves out from there. In her article, Lasater gives detailed instructions on how to take stock and reposition your body should you find yourself somewhat off-center.

The following exercises are not necessarily listed in order of difficulty. Exercises suitable for beginners are noted.  poses for meditation We generally recommend beginners start with the rising and falling or hand motions exercise. Basic walking meditation is also appropriate for beginners.

Use props in hero pose.
Completely folding your legs in hero pose challenges you to soften the muscles of your calves, quads, and the backs of your knees while keeping the natural curve of the spine. Practice this pose without props for short periods of time at first  or try modifying it with props:

Use a wall for support in crossed-legs pose.
Try doing this pose against a wall on top of a folded blanket, with a rolled towel or yoga mat beneath your ankles. The wall gives you feedback about spinal alignment and the work of your back muscles, while the blanket under your hips allows the pelvis to sit more upright.

Modify other poses for greater comfort.
You can also use props and walls to support you more comfortably in several other seated positions that are excellent for meditation.Try a variation on Cobbler's Pose by placing your back against a wall and using two yoga blocks as shown at right to support the legs, with a blanket or meditation cushion beneath the sit bones. This creates a very supported foundation that is helpful if your hips aren't very open.

Try using a chair for seated meditation.
This can be a more practical option for many people. But don't just slump in the chair, obviously.Place your sitting bones on the front of the seat of the chair and your feet  directly under your knees. Lightly press yoru thighs into the chair seat and your feet into the ground. This naturally lifts your chest and brings natural curve and elongation to your spine.

Whatever your position, keep the curve of your back gentle and natural.
This applies to all of the meditation positions above. There are many stereotypes about meditation that lead many of you to believe that when you meditate, you must sit up straight and stay completely still  as if you were standing at attention in the military. In all honesty, meditation postures should be gentle and you should constantly realign your posture Try to focus on maximizing the ease and flow of your breath,

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Best Yoga Poses to Improve Your Sex Life

Priming your mind and body for romance while enhancing sexual function is yet another benefit from practicing yoga. Is the sizzle in your relationship fizzling? If you would prefer a natural alternative to Viagra to elevate your sexuality, yoga is your prescription. According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, women who practice yoga report higher levels of arousal and desire while also achieving an overall improved sexual experience.

Great sex is one of the ultimate mind-body experiences. So is great yoga. “Not only is yoga an amazing stress reliever, but certain postures improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and open your heart all of which are necessary for a hot sex life,” says Ellen Barrett, author of the book Sexy Yoga. Perhaps most importantly, she says, yoga teaches true mindfulness living only in the present moment.

The mindfulness you learn during yoga can translate to other parts of your life, so you can enjoy lovemaking entirely for what it is, and not think or worry about anything else,” says Barrett. Sounds good to us! We asked Barrett to share her top yoga moves for a closer sexual connection. Do them solo or, even better,

Today yoga lovers are finding that more time on the mat means more, and steamier, time spent revelling in their newly toned bodies. benefits of yoga While asanas like Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha Halasana, Matsyasana and Viprita Karani Sarvangasana Sirhasana are some of the postures that help in better sexual performance, lets dug out a few easy-to-do yoga movements that will help you gain a great sex life.

Shoulder stand
This pose helps move circulation in the lower region of your body,” Allaire says. “By inverting the body from the neck up, gravity increases the blood flow to the heart and brain, helping to relax the heart, decreasing heart rate and bringing clarity to your mind

Reclined bound angle
This pose gently opens your hips. I always encourage people to focus on their breath, especially in this pose, to help calm the mind when in a hip opener. When you focus on your breath, your mind rests in the present moment, which is helpful in bringing your attention to the moments in between the sheets

Downward dog
This pose literally works so many muscles in your body. Because you’re toning your legs, abs, arms, core and rear all at once, your confidence is boosted,” Allaire says. “Plus, practicing downward dog helps improve flexibility, which can lead to exploring different positions in between the sheets.

Eagle pose
In this pose, you are intertwining your limbs and squeezing your arms and legs together. When releasing out of this position, the blood rushes through your sex organs,

Plank pose
Plank pose fires up your core, while opening your shoulders and toning your sides and butt. This pose flattens your tummy, especially the hard to reach lower abdomen,” Allaire says. “Practicing this pose gets you in better shape so you look and feel better naked

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Beneficial Yoga Poses For Arthritis And Back Pain

Arthritis is a very painful disease that is unfortunately incurable. Basically, the pain caused because of arthritis can only be managed, it may never be cured. Thus, natural remedies for arthritis are the only way to cope with the persistent pain in your back, knees or neck.

When your joints hurt and swell due to a form of inflammatory arthritis, exercise is usually the last thing on your mind. But, doing yoga in a slow, controlled way can build balance, flexibility and strength, according to The John Hopkins Arthritis Center.

These yoga poses for arthritis make sure that the joints get some movement. The more you move your body and flex your joints, the better it is for you. Yoga asanas give you the most scientific way to keep your body flexible despite being in pain. If you stop moving your body, arthritis will make you immobile. That is why it is of prime importance to try these yoga poses and relieve arthritis pain.

Popular belief holds that arthritis is a sickness of the aged. But while age does increase the risk and vulnerability of people to arthritis, even children, teenagers, easy seated yoga poses and young adults can have it. Cases of arthritis among children are generally termed as Juvenile Arthritis.

Yoga consists of a combination of gentle movements, stretches and breathing exercises. Researchers at John Hopkins University have determined that arthritis patients who regularly perform yoga are likely to experience less swelling, increased mobility and reduced pain. This is because the movements performed during yoga increase fluid around the joints.

Arthritis pain relief exercises bring in smoothness to your muscles and reduce the stiffness in your joints. You can initially perform single leg raises that prepare you for performing the stretching exercises. Shoulder stretches and neck stretches are beneficial to bring in smooth movements of the muscles. Standing side stretch pose can then be done to flex one side of your body and then the other side.

Arthritis can creep into your life and make it difficult for you to perform even simple chores. The incapacitated feeling makes you seek treatment that relieves your condition without posing any side effects. Yoga has been resorted to by many as a solution to allaying the pain and immobility caused by arthritis. Yoga poses for arthritis require you to stretch the muscles of your neck,

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Best Upper Arms Exercises For Women

Most women carry their extra pounds in the midsection and hips; as a result, arms are easy to tone, regardless of total body weight. So let's take it from the top. Do ten repetitions of each exercise, four times a week.

When asked to name your number one problem area many would say the back of the upper arm, or the triceps. Unlike their frontal counterparts, the biceps, the triceps are frequently underutilized in daily activities and weaken without special attention.

Perform strength-training exercises that target triceps muscles at least twice per week. It is best to rotate through two or three different exercises at each session with two sets of 8-12 repetitions per exercise. To vary your pattern, you can increase the weight and decrease the reps down to 6, or decrease your weight and increase reps up to 15. The variety of upper arms exercises and intensity will help fully train the different portions of the muscle

You have noticed the jiggling sensation when you raise your arms, you have seen the dimples in backs of your upper arms while looking in the mirror. You know you are well on your way to growing those dreaded grandmotherly'bat-winged' arms.

You don't want anyone else to notice your flabby upper arms, so you hide them under sleeves and envy the women that can wear sleeveless tops.Cut the sleeves out of those tops and channel your envy into body pride, help is on the way!  bodyweight exercises You can reverse the effects of aging, flabby upper arms without surgery by doing this easy exercise routine.

Flabby arms are a troublesome spot, especially for women. They jiggle when you wave and are more noticeable when you wear sleeveless tops. Exercising the major muscle groups in your arms is important for developing overall fitness and helps you perform many of the major activities of daily living. Target your biceps and triceps, and closely related muscles, to strengthen and tone flabby arms.

The biggest muscle in your arms is the bicep brachii, located in the front of your arms. It is supported by the brachialis, which flexes your elbow, and the brachioradialis, which flexes your forearm at your elbow. The tricep brachii is at the back of your upper arm, the region many people find problematic. Your triceps help you extend your arms and hold it in certain positions. To tone your upper arms,

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Learn Different Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

Yoga is considered to be the best exercise as it helps to maintain equilibrium between the body and the mind. Yoga soothes the mind and relaxes the body making it more flexible, fit and healthy. Here are some yoga poses that one could perform to enrich a revitalizing experience.

Many different types of yoga exist, from very active to very passive and from a focus on physical fitness to a focus on spirituality. But within all the different variations of yoga a common thread exists of at least three fundamental

You're never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of  learn different yoga. Find out how all types of yoga can improve your health.Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength, and its health benefits may surpass those of any other activity.

Becoming familiar with and learning these poses should get you through a class in any of the types of yoga styles. Please keep in mind, these are just some of the most common poses to look at (and not necessarily practice).hatha yoga postures If you'd like to get started with yoga,

Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class is a twenty-six asana series designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons, in the order in which they should be stretched. Below is the list of 26 hatha yoga postures and their benefits.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is one of the oldest kinds of yoga. This branch of yoga has been mentioned in the Patanjali, a Sanskrit verse book. This type of yoga has 8 branches, which is why it is called Ashtanga yoga. It includes processes such as yoga positions, postures, breathing, concentration on objects, withdrawal of senses, meditation etc.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga relies extensively on postures and asanas for its benefit. In fact, the combination of the syllables ha and tha itself is supposed to awaken the two governing energies of life. Of all the types of yoga, this is the one that focuses on the need of advancing the life forces, energy, the chakra and the kundalini the most. Hatha Yoga is all about promoting the spiritual and mental well- being of a person.

Mantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga is the type of yoga that is practiced through the chanting of mantras. Thousands of mantras exist and it is believed that the vibrations released by these mantras can really help a person achieve their dreams and even cure diseases. What mantra yoga focuses on is learning these mantras in the right way.

Kriya Yoga 
This type of yoga focuses on bodily activities or physical activities. It's main intention is also to achieve inner peace and realization, but it does not really do much to calm mental tension or issues. Kriya yoga is a kind of yoga that would help people maintain some amount of physical fitness or even lose weight.There are around 70 kriyas that are a part of this kind of yoga

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is one of the most practiced branches of yoga. It deals with the psychic centers in the body or the chakras" that are in all individuals. There are six such chakras in the body and Kundalini yoga hopes to reach all of them. Kundalini yoga believes that there are no other chakras in the body than the six main ones- the Sahasrara, Ajna, Visuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Swadishtana and Mooladhara. These are the chakras that connect us to the realms of our mind and heighten our consciousness.