Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Best Yoga Poses to Improve Your Sex Life

Priming your mind and body for romance while enhancing sexual function is yet another benefit from practicing yoga. Is the sizzle in your relationship fizzling? If you would prefer a natural alternative to Viagra to elevate your sexuality, yoga is your prescription. According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, women who practice yoga report higher levels of arousal and desire while also achieving an overall improved sexual experience.

Great sex is one of the ultimate mind-body experiences. So is great yoga. “Not only is yoga an amazing stress reliever, but certain postures improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and open your heart all of which are necessary for a hot sex life,” says Ellen Barrett, author of the book Sexy Yoga. Perhaps most importantly, she says, yoga teaches true mindfulness living only in the present moment.

The mindfulness you learn during yoga can translate to other parts of your life, so you can enjoy lovemaking entirely for what it is, and not think or worry about anything else,” says Barrett. Sounds good to us! We asked Barrett to share her top yoga moves for a closer sexual connection. Do them solo or, even better,

Today yoga lovers are finding that more time on the mat means more, and steamier, time spent revelling in their newly toned bodies. benefits of yoga While asanas like Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha Halasana, Matsyasana and Viprita Karani Sarvangasana Sirhasana are some of the postures that help in better sexual performance, lets dug out a few easy-to-do yoga movements that will help you gain a great sex life.

Shoulder stand
This pose helps move circulation in the lower region of your body,” Allaire says. “By inverting the body from the neck up, gravity increases the blood flow to the heart and brain, helping to relax the heart, decreasing heart rate and bringing clarity to your mind

Reclined bound angle
This pose gently opens your hips. I always encourage people to focus on their breath, especially in this pose, to help calm the mind when in a hip opener. When you focus on your breath, your mind rests in the present moment, which is helpful in bringing your attention to the moments in between the sheets

Downward dog
This pose literally works so many muscles in your body. Because you’re toning your legs, abs, arms, core and rear all at once, your confidence is boosted,” Allaire says. “Plus, practicing downward dog helps improve flexibility, which can lead to exploring different positions in between the sheets.

Eagle pose
In this pose, you are intertwining your limbs and squeezing your arms and legs together. When releasing out of this position, the blood rushes through your sex organs,

Plank pose
Plank pose fires up your core, while opening your shoulders and toning your sides and butt. This pose flattens your tummy, especially the hard to reach lower abdomen,” Allaire says. “Practicing this pose gets you in better shape so you look and feel better naked

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