Thursday, 1 August 2013

Learn Different Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

Yoga is considered to be the best exercise as it helps to maintain equilibrium between the body and the mind. Yoga soothes the mind and relaxes the body making it more flexible, fit and healthy. Here are some yoga poses that one could perform to enrich a revitalizing experience.

Many different types of yoga exist, from very active to very passive and from a focus on physical fitness to a focus on spirituality. But within all the different variations of yoga a common thread exists of at least three fundamental

You're never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of  learn different yoga. Find out how all types of yoga can improve your health.Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength, and its health benefits may surpass those of any other activity.

Becoming familiar with and learning these poses should get you through a class in any of the types of yoga styles. Please keep in mind, these are just some of the most common poses to look at (and not necessarily practice).hatha yoga postures If you'd like to get started with yoga,

Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class is a twenty-six asana series designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons, in the order in which they should be stretched. Below is the list of 26 hatha yoga postures and their benefits.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is one of the oldest kinds of yoga. This branch of yoga has been mentioned in the Patanjali, a Sanskrit verse book. This type of yoga has 8 branches, which is why it is called Ashtanga yoga. It includes processes such as yoga positions, postures, breathing, concentration on objects, withdrawal of senses, meditation etc.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga relies extensively on postures and asanas for its benefit. In fact, the combination of the syllables ha and tha itself is supposed to awaken the two governing energies of life. Of all the types of yoga, this is the one that focuses on the need of advancing the life forces, energy, the chakra and the kundalini the most. Hatha Yoga is all about promoting the spiritual and mental well- being of a person.

Mantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga is the type of yoga that is practiced through the chanting of mantras. Thousands of mantras exist and it is believed that the vibrations released by these mantras can really help a person achieve their dreams and even cure diseases. What mantra yoga focuses on is learning these mantras in the right way.

Kriya Yoga 
This type of yoga focuses on bodily activities or physical activities. It's main intention is also to achieve inner peace and realization, but it does not really do much to calm mental tension or issues. Kriya yoga is a kind of yoga that would help people maintain some amount of physical fitness or even lose weight.There are around 70 kriyas that are a part of this kind of yoga

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is one of the most practiced branches of yoga. It deals with the psychic centers in the body or the chakras" that are in all individuals. There are six such chakras in the body and Kundalini yoga hopes to reach all of them. Kundalini yoga believes that there are no other chakras in the body than the six main ones- the Sahasrara, Ajna, Visuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Swadishtana and Mooladhara. These are the chakras that connect us to the realms of our mind and heighten our consciousness.

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