Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Powerful Arm Workouts For Women

What are the best arm workouts for women?  Lucky for you there is a simple answer.The best arm workouts for women are also the best arm workouts for men.“What? I don’t want to get massive like a man…”.Relax.

There are many many exercises that any woman or man could do to exercise different parts of their arm, but to keep it simple lets focus on just a couple that will get results.  Everyone talks about Michelle Obama’s arms and how much they love them. Well here is how you can win over your own Barack with some simple arm workouts.

Arm toning and strengthening exercises are important throughout life, says Dan Agresti, exercise physiologist and owner of ProActive Health and Fitness in Denver. exercises for women  And the benefits go way beyond looking good in a tank top.Life is a lot better when you're strong,says Agresti.It's fun to know I can do just about any task.

How is getting a stronger, sleeker upper body like math? It's something otherwise smart women think they just can't accomplish. Or they use the excuse of getting too "bulked up." The moves here definitely won't turn you into the Incredible Hulk, but they will get your arms longer, leaner, and ready to bare when the weather warms up. Best of all, most can be done at home using your own body weight

Here's something you'll love to learn: Your shoulders and upper back tend to carry less fat than the rest of your body, so the right arm exercises can give this area a nearly instant makeover,For this arm workout, use five-to eight-pound weights, perform 15 to 20 reps of each exercise and go from one move to the next with little or no rest between. Do two or three sets three times a week. 

Monday, 19 August 2013

How to Choose The Best Yoga For You

If Jennifer Aniston's perpetually toned bod or a coworker's serenity during stressful times has convinced you to give yoga a try, you've come to the right place. We've put together a primer on styles that blast calories, promote relaxation, or increase your flexibility.Read this and soon you'll be reaping the amazing benefits of this ancient form of exercise.

Yoga is the epitome of mind over muscle: Holding those twisty balanced poses takes strength and flexibility, certainly, but even more critical is the ability to stay focused and concentrate. All types of yoga can help you learn this practice of "being in the moment." What's different from style to style is pace, intensity, and degree of spirituality. Use this guide to choose which of the most popular types of yoga best suits you.

Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga is for you if you are a beginner, a non-exerciser, are feeling physically (and mentall) inflexible or stiff, pregnant women (with some modified poses), and seniors. Scuba divers and anyone else who wants to learn how best to control their inhaling and exhaling during physical activity will benefit from Hatha yoga.Physically, Hatha yoga, when practiced correctly, with a focus on breathing and not pushing beyond personal limitations, is the least strenuous form of yoga.Hatha yoga is non-aerobic, which means it will not get your heart rate up and you probably will not sweat.

Iyengar yoga
Iyengar yoga is for also for beginners, or for those who may have taken a break from exercise.The foccus of Iyengar yoga is on the use of yoga props. Props are used to aid inflexibility, and help you slowly stretch muscles over time. Try a few classes, if you can, where the props are provided, before investing in yoga props. learn yoga excercises The props commonly used in Iyengar yoga practice include a block, a chair, a pillow or a stretchy strap.Physically, Iyengar yoga will tone muscles, strenghthen and open problem areas (ex. hips joints), and with regular practice, may even help ease chronic aches and pains. Iyengar yoga should cover most basic yoga poses, giving the practitioner a broad base of yoga knowledge.

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is best suited to people who will enter into the practice with an open mind, want to meditate, and are looking for relaxation. Kundalini yoga may be practiced by beginners, non-exercisers and seniors. Kundalini yoga may also benefit those with addictions.The focus of Kundalini Yoga is on the mind-body connection, and its effect on wellness. Kundalini yoga may be considered "new age" by some. Kundalini combines guided relaxation sessions with chanting and meditations. There is much emphasis on controlling inhaling and exhaling.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanaga yoga is for physically-fit people, exercisers seeking to increase their strength, exercisers looking to lengthen their stamina, and for athletes.Mentally Ashtanga yoga is not as meditative as other forms of yoga. However, with so much of your mind focused on breathing and moving in and out of Ashtanga yhoga positions, your mind will let other things go, and there will be a stress-release factor.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Walking is The Best Exercise For Lose Weight

Walking is the easiest and cheapest ways for losing weight. All you need is a high level of motivation and a good pair of shoes It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days of the week. You don't need to do it in one session. You can divide the time into three 10 minutes periods
You might be able to lose weight that way, depending on the duration and intensity of your walking and what your diet's like. But eating fewer calories through dietary changes seems to promote weight loss more effectively than does physical activity.

That's not to say physical activity, such as walking the best exercise, isn't important for weight control  it is. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories a day. (To lose a pound a week, you generally need to eliminate 500 calories a day.) Of course, the more you walk and the quicker your pace, the more calories you'll burn.

Being active is an important part of any weight-loss or weight-maintenance program. When you're active, your body uses more energy (calories). And when you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight loss.

While diet has a stronger effect on weight loss than physical activity does, physical activity, including exercise, health benefits of workout has a stronger effect in preventing weight gain and maintaining weight loss.

To reap the most health benefits from exercise, your exercise intensity must generally be at a moderate or vigorous level. For weight loss, the more intense your exercise, or the longer you exercise, the more calories you burn. However, balance is important. Overdoing it can increase your risk of soreness, injury and burnout. If you're new to regular exercise and physical activity, you may need to start out at a light intensity and gradually build up to a moderate or vigorous intensity.

The body gets its energy from three primary sources: carbohydrates, fat, and protein. For the first 20-30 minutes of exercise that gets your heart rate up, carbohydrates are usually the primary source of muscular energy. Carbs are ideal because they are quick and easy fuel, requiring the least amount of oxygen to burn. If you were to suddenly get up from your computer and sprint for one minute, you would be burning carbs. However, once exercise time exceeds 30 minutes, there is an increased reliance on fat stores for energy because you begin to run out of the easy stuff.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Best Tricep Exercises For Building Arm Size

If you want to exercise your triceps and make them big and strong you can search on the Internet for the best tricep exercises. Some of the best tricep exercises are also great for your chest muscles. Some of the best tricep exercises are ranked by performance.

The dip is the top exercise on the list for best tricep exercises. It is a useful exercise and it involves lifting your own body weight. This exercise for building arm is about controlling and balancing your body while lifting. If you are do more sets of this exercise, it will definitely have results.

Bigger arms is the goal for many when they engage in weight training programs and the triceps muscle is the key to increasing the number on the tape when measuring your arms. It makes up nearly 2/3rds of your arm and is responsible for elbow extension. So every ‘pushing’ motion requires action by the triceps muscle as opposed to pulling motions that recruit the biceps.

The number 1 mistake is doing endless biceps curls & triceps extensions to build bigger arms. This works at the advanced level, bodyweight exercises for fitness but for beginners it's inefficient and counterproductive.

Curls & Extensions.
Beginners need compound exercises to build overall muscle mass, not isolation exercises. First big picture, then the details.

Overtraining Your Arms.
Arms are small muscles which you hit on all exercises. You can't train them 5x/week. Muscles grow when they rest.

Neglecting Other Muscles.
This will get you out of proportion. Your arms will be too big compared to the rest of your body and you'll look funny.

Not Eating Enough Food.
You'll never get 18” biceps if you only weigh 120lbs at 6'. You must gain weight to build bigger arms.

Your arms are a very visible part of your body, and usually the first place someone will look to check out how strong and muscular you are.The desire for guys to want big, head turning arms is understandable, but growth can be a real sticking point for some people. So, to help kick your arm growth into first gear, I’ve put together some of the best mass building exercises for your biceps and triceps.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Buy Guide To Sitting Comfortably For Meditation

The following article provides a short overview of how to meditate, suitable for printing out and keeping by your side while you're still learning. For a fuller discussion, see the article A Beginning Meditation Method.

If you’re like me, you didn’t pay attention to your teachers. It’s not that what they had to say wasn’t important, it’s just that I had more important things to do. While I eventually did pick up whatever it was that they were trying to communicate, there were a few things like proper sitting habits that eluded my memory banks.

A guidebook to sitting comfortably in meditation, Lasater points out that constructive sitting starts with the pelvis (aka the base) and moves out from there. In her article, Lasater gives detailed instructions on how to take stock and reposition your body should you find yourself somewhat off-center.

The following exercises are not necessarily listed in order of difficulty. Exercises suitable for beginners are noted.  poses for meditation We generally recommend beginners start with the rising and falling or hand motions exercise. Basic walking meditation is also appropriate for beginners.

Use props in hero pose.
Completely folding your legs in hero pose challenges you to soften the muscles of your calves, quads, and the backs of your knees while keeping the natural curve of the spine. Practice this pose without props for short periods of time at first  or try modifying it with props:

Use a wall for support in crossed-legs pose.
Try doing this pose against a wall on top of a folded blanket, with a rolled towel or yoga mat beneath your ankles. The wall gives you feedback about spinal alignment and the work of your back muscles, while the blanket under your hips allows the pelvis to sit more upright.

Modify other poses for greater comfort.
You can also use props and walls to support you more comfortably in several other seated positions that are excellent for meditation.Try a variation on Cobbler's Pose by placing your back against a wall and using two yoga blocks as shown at right to support the legs, with a blanket or meditation cushion beneath the sit bones. This creates a very supported foundation that is helpful if your hips aren't very open.

Try using a chair for seated meditation.
This can be a more practical option for many people. But don't just slump in the chair, obviously.Place your sitting bones on the front of the seat of the chair and your feet  directly under your knees. Lightly press yoru thighs into the chair seat and your feet into the ground. This naturally lifts your chest and brings natural curve and elongation to your spine.

Whatever your position, keep the curve of your back gentle and natural.
This applies to all of the meditation positions above. There are many stereotypes about meditation that lead many of you to believe that when you meditate, you must sit up straight and stay completely still  as if you were standing at attention in the military. In all honesty, meditation postures should be gentle and you should constantly realign your posture Try to focus on maximizing the ease and flow of your breath,

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Best Yoga Poses to Improve Your Sex Life

Priming your mind and body for romance while enhancing sexual function is yet another benefit from practicing yoga. Is the sizzle in your relationship fizzling? If you would prefer a natural alternative to Viagra to elevate your sexuality, yoga is your prescription. According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, women who practice yoga report higher levels of arousal and desire while also achieving an overall improved sexual experience.

Great sex is one of the ultimate mind-body experiences. So is great yoga. “Not only is yoga an amazing stress reliever, but certain postures improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and open your heart all of which are necessary for a hot sex life,” says Ellen Barrett, author of the book Sexy Yoga. Perhaps most importantly, she says, yoga teaches true mindfulness living only in the present moment.

The mindfulness you learn during yoga can translate to other parts of your life, so you can enjoy lovemaking entirely for what it is, and not think or worry about anything else,” says Barrett. Sounds good to us! We asked Barrett to share her top yoga moves for a closer sexual connection. Do them solo or, even better,

Today yoga lovers are finding that more time on the mat means more, and steamier, time spent revelling in their newly toned bodies. benefits of yoga While asanas like Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha Halasana, Matsyasana and Viprita Karani Sarvangasana Sirhasana are some of the postures that help in better sexual performance, lets dug out a few easy-to-do yoga movements that will help you gain a great sex life.

Shoulder stand
This pose helps move circulation in the lower region of your body,” Allaire says. “By inverting the body from the neck up, gravity increases the blood flow to the heart and brain, helping to relax the heart, decreasing heart rate and bringing clarity to your mind

Reclined bound angle
This pose gently opens your hips. I always encourage people to focus on their breath, especially in this pose, to help calm the mind when in a hip opener. When you focus on your breath, your mind rests in the present moment, which is helpful in bringing your attention to the moments in between the sheets

Downward dog
This pose literally works so many muscles in your body. Because you’re toning your legs, abs, arms, core and rear all at once, your confidence is boosted,” Allaire says. “Plus, practicing downward dog helps improve flexibility, which can lead to exploring different positions in between the sheets.

Eagle pose
In this pose, you are intertwining your limbs and squeezing your arms and legs together. When releasing out of this position, the blood rushes through your sex organs,

Plank pose
Plank pose fires up your core, while opening your shoulders and toning your sides and butt. This pose flattens your tummy, especially the hard to reach lower abdomen,” Allaire says. “Practicing this pose gets you in better shape so you look and feel better naked

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Beneficial Yoga Poses For Arthritis And Back Pain

Arthritis is a very painful disease that is unfortunately incurable. Basically, the pain caused because of arthritis can only be managed, it may never be cured. Thus, natural remedies for arthritis are the only way to cope with the persistent pain in your back, knees or neck.

When your joints hurt and swell due to a form of inflammatory arthritis, exercise is usually the last thing on your mind. But, doing yoga in a slow, controlled way can build balance, flexibility and strength, according to The John Hopkins Arthritis Center.

These yoga poses for arthritis make sure that the joints get some movement. The more you move your body and flex your joints, the better it is for you. Yoga asanas give you the most scientific way to keep your body flexible despite being in pain. If you stop moving your body, arthritis will make you immobile. That is why it is of prime importance to try these yoga poses and relieve arthritis pain.

Popular belief holds that arthritis is a sickness of the aged. But while age does increase the risk and vulnerability of people to arthritis, even children, teenagers, easy seated yoga poses and young adults can have it. Cases of arthritis among children are generally termed as Juvenile Arthritis.

Yoga consists of a combination of gentle movements, stretches and breathing exercises. Researchers at John Hopkins University have determined that arthritis patients who regularly perform yoga are likely to experience less swelling, increased mobility and reduced pain. This is because the movements performed during yoga increase fluid around the joints.

Arthritis pain relief exercises bring in smoothness to your muscles and reduce the stiffness in your joints. You can initially perform single leg raises that prepare you for performing the stretching exercises. Shoulder stretches and neck stretches are beneficial to bring in smooth movements of the muscles. Standing side stretch pose can then be done to flex one side of your body and then the other side.

Arthritis can creep into your life and make it difficult for you to perform even simple chores. The incapacitated feeling makes you seek treatment that relieves your condition without posing any side effects. Yoga has been resorted to by many as a solution to allaying the pain and immobility caused by arthritis. Yoga poses for arthritis require you to stretch the muscles of your neck,

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Best Upper Arms Exercises For Women

Most women carry their extra pounds in the midsection and hips; as a result, arms are easy to tone, regardless of total body weight. So let's take it from the top. Do ten repetitions of each exercise, four times a week.

When asked to name your number one problem area many would say the back of the upper arm, or the triceps. Unlike their frontal counterparts, the biceps, the triceps are frequently underutilized in daily activities and weaken without special attention.

Perform strength-training exercises that target triceps muscles at least twice per week. It is best to rotate through two or three different exercises at each session with two sets of 8-12 repetitions per exercise. To vary your pattern, you can increase the weight and decrease the reps down to 6, or decrease your weight and increase reps up to 15. The variety of upper arms exercises and intensity will help fully train the different portions of the muscle

You have noticed the jiggling sensation when you raise your arms, you have seen the dimples in backs of your upper arms while looking in the mirror. You know you are well on your way to growing those dreaded grandmotherly'bat-winged' arms.

You don't want anyone else to notice your flabby upper arms, so you hide them under sleeves and envy the women that can wear sleeveless tops.Cut the sleeves out of those tops and channel your envy into body pride, help is on the way!  bodyweight exercises You can reverse the effects of aging, flabby upper arms without surgery by doing this easy exercise routine.

Flabby arms are a troublesome spot, especially for women. They jiggle when you wave and are more noticeable when you wear sleeveless tops. Exercising the major muscle groups in your arms is important for developing overall fitness and helps you perform many of the major activities of daily living. Target your biceps and triceps, and closely related muscles, to strengthen and tone flabby arms.

The biggest muscle in your arms is the bicep brachii, located in the front of your arms. It is supported by the brachialis, which flexes your elbow, and the brachioradialis, which flexes your forearm at your elbow. The tricep brachii is at the back of your upper arm, the region many people find problematic. Your triceps help you extend your arms and hold it in certain positions. To tone your upper arms,

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Learn Different Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

Yoga is considered to be the best exercise as it helps to maintain equilibrium between the body and the mind. Yoga soothes the mind and relaxes the body making it more flexible, fit and healthy. Here are some yoga poses that one could perform to enrich a revitalizing experience.

Many different types of yoga exist, from very active to very passive and from a focus on physical fitness to a focus on spirituality. But within all the different variations of yoga a common thread exists of at least three fundamental

You're never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of  learn different yoga. Find out how all types of yoga can improve your health.Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength, and its health benefits may surpass those of any other activity.

Becoming familiar with and learning these poses should get you through a class in any of the types of yoga styles. Please keep in mind, these are just some of the most common poses to look at (and not necessarily practice).hatha yoga postures If you'd like to get started with yoga,

Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class is a twenty-six asana series designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons, in the order in which they should be stretched. Below is the list of 26 hatha yoga postures and their benefits.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is one of the oldest kinds of yoga. This branch of yoga has been mentioned in the Patanjali, a Sanskrit verse book. This type of yoga has 8 branches, which is why it is called Ashtanga yoga. It includes processes such as yoga positions, postures, breathing, concentration on objects, withdrawal of senses, meditation etc.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga relies extensively on postures and asanas for its benefit. In fact, the combination of the syllables ha and tha itself is supposed to awaken the two governing energies of life. Of all the types of yoga, this is the one that focuses on the need of advancing the life forces, energy, the chakra and the kundalini the most. Hatha Yoga is all about promoting the spiritual and mental well- being of a person.

Mantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga is the type of yoga that is practiced through the chanting of mantras. Thousands of mantras exist and it is believed that the vibrations released by these mantras can really help a person achieve their dreams and even cure diseases. What mantra yoga focuses on is learning these mantras in the right way.

Kriya Yoga 
This type of yoga focuses on bodily activities or physical activities. It's main intention is also to achieve inner peace and realization, but it does not really do much to calm mental tension or issues. Kriya yoga is a kind of yoga that would help people maintain some amount of physical fitness or even lose weight.There are around 70 kriyas that are a part of this kind of yoga

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is one of the most practiced branches of yoga. It deals with the psychic centers in the body or the chakras" that are in all individuals. There are six such chakras in the body and Kundalini yoga hopes to reach all of them. Kundalini yoga believes that there are no other chakras in the body than the six main ones- the Sahasrara, Ajna, Visuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Swadishtana and Mooladhara. These are the chakras that connect us to the realms of our mind and heighten our consciousness.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Health Benefits of Dhyana Yoga

Dhyana in general is all about meditation or mind control, where the person stops thinking about everything and just focus. According to experts, if we just stop thinking and focus on realizing this will give us a clearer of what we need to see. Through Dhyana yoga, one practices to dig deep into his or her consciousness and realize the truth in essence. Dhyana yoga is not just about meditation, there are different stages before one reaches dhyana.

Meditation is also known as Dhyana yoga and is excellent for both physical and emotional health. There is so much going on around us all the time that keeps us busy physically and mentally. Due to this we are constantly consciously or subconsciously searching for peace. Meditation helps to achieve that peaceful state of mind that completely relaxes your body and mind.

Dhyana or meditation helps our body and mind in several ways such as it slows down our breathing due to which our heart rate slows down and our blood flow increases, it improves the tolerance of exercise in heart patients, it helps to deeply relax your body and mind, it regulates the blood pressure and is excellent for those suffering from high or low blood pressures

Dhyana Yoga is one of the eight limbs of Yoga. As the seventh limb, it concentrates upon a point of focus with the intention of knowing the truth about it. Dhyana means Meditation. easy yoga poses  It is derived from the Sanskrit root “dhyai” which means “to think of”. It is the contemplation and Meditation of spiritual things. A popular form of Dhyana Yoga is the Kundalini Yoga.

Dhyana Yoga is basically practicing Meditation. Practicing Dhyana Yoga allows the practitioner to calm his mind and allow him to look in the outside world without distractions. In doing so, he is able to reach a heightened level of awareness. Meditation, consciousness, and experience, are all but a single unity. In Dhyana Yoga, it is important to remember three things

You're never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of yoga. Find out how all types of yoga can improve your health.Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength, and its health benefits may surpass those of any other activity.

the benefits of Yoga are numerous. In fact, Yoga is like a universe in itself. Some of the significant benefits of Yoga include anti-ageing, balance and flexibility of body, increase in knowledge and wealth, development of mental health and improvement in personal and social values. However, this isn’t the end of story. Yoga even helps increase strength, improve sexual life and reduce weight. Further, Yoga makes you feel great

The health benefits of Yoga are so wonderful you end up feeling better after every Yoga session than before you started. In fact, when you keep up a steady discipline of Yoga, life runs far more effortlessly than when you don't. Furthermore, Yoga adds to your understanding of life and alters your perspective of life. After starting the practice of Yoga people find themselves assuming up broader roles in life.

Monday, 29 July 2013

The Health Benefits of Bikram Yoga For Boys

For everyone who is not familiar with Bikram yoga, or “hot yoga”, it is the TRUTH!  ANYONE and EVERYONE can benefit from this practice.Dancers are extremely hard on their bodies and literally work them to the bone There is also Tiger Balm, stretching, pain pills, Epson salt, vitamins and some b.boys even go as far as taking ice baths!

Bikram Yoga is a form of yoga that has been around for centuries and is a unique form of yoga that requires some degree of physical endurance and stamina to perform. Typically, in most Bikram yoga programs,Bikram Yoga is a form of yoga that has been around for centuries and is a unique form of yoga that requires some degree of physical endurance and stamina to perform. Typically, in most Bikram yoga programs,

Those who are devoted to the practice say hot yoga has all kinds of benefits of bikram yoga. The one that’s touted most often is detoxification: heavy sweating is said to help flush toxins from the skin. “The heat also allows you to go a little more deeply and safely into the postures,

Bikram's Yoga series consists of a carefully crafted 90-minute sequence of 26 yoga poses. The program is designed to work into every part of the body and Bikram says that they work every single tendon, ligament and muscle, bikram yoga postures from bones to skin, inside out.

Weight loss
Bikram Yoga is excellent for weight loss. Your digestive system and metabolism will improve, normalizing your appetite and diminishing unhealthy cravings. Your fat will turn into muscle as you develop muscle tone and strength. Warm muscles burn fat more easily as the heat flushes and detoxifies the body. Bikram yoga is known for burning anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories a session

Blood Pressure
Unstable high blood pressure can respond very quickly to a regular Bikram Yoga practice. Consult your doctor and don’t push too hard for your first few classes. If you are tested about a week after starting Yoga, you may see a slight rise in pressure. Don’t be alarmed. By the second week, that pressure will be normal or close to normal and will stay there as long as you continue your yoga regimen.

Skin and Beauty
Watch your face and skin develop “the Bikram glow” as your eyes become brighter and your skin becomes more clear and soft. As you sweat, your pores are opened and cleaned allowing natural lanolin to release through the pores, softening and preserving your skin’s elasticity.

Bikram yoga can be a perfect complement to the lifestyle changes necessary to help keep diabetic symptoms in check.  Recent research has found that performing these postures on a regular basis can decrease blood-sugar levels.

On those days when you don’t feel like doing anything, going to Bikram Yoga class is key. You just have to show up and the yoga takes care of the rest.  After each session your mind will become more balanced and depression will be lifted. The more you practice, the better you will feel. Many students come off antidepressants and other medications after establishing a regular Bikram Yoga practice.

Friday, 26 July 2013

The Health Benefits of Hot Yoga Postures

Hot yoga whether it's Bikram, Moksha or an independently run studio—has become hugely popular across North America. Find out what it is, how to prepare and whether it's right for you
Bikram Yoga's twenty-six posture exercises systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to one hundred percent of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order, just as Nature intended. Proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health, and a sense of well being will automatically follow.

Bikram Yoga is designed for EVERYONE – any age, size, shape, condition, or problem. To receive the benefits, a regular practice of 3 – 4 classes per week is necessary. Beginners are encouraged to start slow and take it easy for the first few classes. Health Benefits of Hot Yoga happen right away for some, including normalizing your weight. and it usually takes ten classes for your body to start to understand the poses.

Bikram Hot Yoga is one of the newer forms of yoga, and it was introduced by accomplished yogi Bikram Choundury almost 30 years ago. This form of yoga requires you to perform breathing exercises and yoga poses in an environment that has a temperature of 105° Fahrenheit and a humidity level of about 60%. Bikram Hot Yoga can bring a wide range of benefits to your body and mind, 

Bikram Hot Yoga can improve the flexibility of your body. Bikram Yoga Postures The heat will loosen your muscles and joints, and you will be able to stretch them beyond their usual limits. Your muscles will become more toned and stronger, and you will also develop a stronger spine. 

The heated room in which you perform Bikram yoga typically leads to excessive sweating. This removes toxins from your body, enhance circulation and better function of the immune system, according to "Yoga Journal". The two breathing exercises performed in Bikram yoga also help in relaxation and healing.

A more severe concern of these symptoms is heat stroke — when the body rises over 105 degrees Fahrenheit, people become confused, dizzy and nauseous, and the person’s pulse and sweating rates slow down dramatically. Drinking water, which many teachers discourage during the hour and a half long classes, doesn’t rectify these problems because sweating causes a loss of salts in addition to the liquid.

Bikram yoga helps blood circulate through the body by the acts of extension and compression associated with holding and releasing muscles in the exercises. Modern medicine has seen little proof of the positive effect of oxygenated blood rushing after it was cut off from a local region of the body.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Healthy Snacks And Benefits

Eating healthy snacks is a simple method for ensuring that your body gets the nutrients and energy it needs throughout the day. If you're on a weight management program, maintaining a regular snack time routine can actually help you stick to your diet, as long as you eat in moderation and choose healthy foods. Snacking is also important for athletes who need to stay in condition for competition,

The average American eats 2.2 snacks per day and gets one-quarter of his total calories from snacks, according to the USDA. Snacks can have a big impact on your health because they make up such a large portion of your diet. Healthy Snacking on junk food can lead to weight gain and other health problems, but healthy snacks can be beneficial.

Snacks provide an opportunity to improve the quality of your diet. Nutrient-dense foods help you meet recommended intake levels of nutrients and food group servings.

Nutrition really is the key to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy life. It goes a long way toward lowering the risk for heart disease and improving overall health,

Snacks can give you an energy boost to help fuel your body between meals. Your body uses up the carbohydrate stores in your liver (which help maintain a normal level of blood sugar) in 4 to 6 hours. You need food to replace them.Many people can benefit from eating snacks.weight loss tips Growing children with tiny appetites may not be able to fulfill their energy needs with only three meals a day. Snacks can provide what may be missing from their meals.

The most beneficial thing to healthy snack eating is thatyou do not binge later on foods that are unhealthy to curb your hunger. If you are suffering from a growling stomach or hunger pangs, then you should snack now versus waiting for the next mealtime. Hunger management through the day is important not only for proper eating but also for maintenance of blood sugar levels. So, how and when should you consume your snacks?

While you may feel guilty when you indulge in a snack, you don't have to if you choose healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Snacks can be beneficial for your health and help keep you from overeating, especially if you choose snack foods that contain both protein and fiber.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Different Styles And Types of Yoga Pants

Yoga pants come in different styles, lengths, colors, and designs. You have probably noticed that a lot of non-workout clothing lines now also offer yoga pants because they have gotten so popular among women. But if you’re shopping for yoga pants for doing actual yoga, you should know the different types and styles they come in and how they can affect how you do your yoga exercises.

If you are headed to class for the purpose of losing weight and don’t feel good about your current figure, you'll want to steer clear of the second-skin type yoga pants (you know what I’m talking about). But even if you’re uncomfortable with your present body shape, don’t shy away from form-fitting altogether

Yoga pants have never been more popular than they are right now. And it's not only the women wearing them who like them so much. (Just run a google search for "yoga pants" and see what the top result is!!!) Here at Shanti Green, we want you to look and feel your best while knowing that you are helping the earth in some way by choosing eco-friendly yoga clothing over synthetic fabrics. So let's look at the different styles of yoga pants out there to see which ones you might want to wear.

First up is the fitted flare. We have a few different fitted flare yoga pants that we carry. One of the most popular is the 33" Flow Fitted Yoga Flare, benefits of yoga which comes in a classic black color that goes well with everything.Fitted flare yoga pants are great for practice because they conform to your upper legs and hips, so when you are changing positions they will stretch and relax to match your body movement.

There are various types These include the boot cut and waistbands. The boot cut and flared yoga pants that is generally maternity wear, physical gender-exclusive social activities and engage in social activities at house parties where the pants clubwear. and styles of yoga pants.flared, yoga pants with remains the most popular type of used for casual wear, activities, or for outings where women meet to restaurants, nightclubs, bars, and worn out and about are used as

Yoga pants are created for use while taking yoga classes. They can be worn in different types of exercises which makes them even more worth the price. There are several different types of yoga pants that offer different benefits, but the one thing they all have in common are the flexible material and tight fit. Many people like yoga pants for their stylish features such as embroidery and style of cut

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

What Are The Health Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants for healing. Although the word “aroma” makes it sound as if the oils are inhaled, they can also be massaged into the skin or rarely taken by mouth. You should never take essential oils by mouth without specific instruction from a trained and qualified specialist. Whether inhaled or applied on the skin, essential oils are gaining new attention as an alternative treatment for infections, stress, and other health problems.

Aromatherapy massage is massage therapy that uses essential oils together with the Aromatherapy massage lotion or oil. Massage with aromatherapy works because once the essential oils are inhaled through the nostrils, they influence the brain and the limbic system. In is the limbic system that regulates emotions and affect the hormones and nervous system.

This preliminary investigation compares peripheral blood cell counts including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), CD4+, CD8+ and CD16+ lymphocytes, CD4+/CD8+ ratio, hematocrit, humoral parameters including serum interferon-γ and interleukin-6, salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA). Psychological measures including the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire and the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) between recipients (n = 11) of carrier oil massage and aromatherapy massage

Aroma Therapy uses fragrant oils extracted from herbs, flowers and fruits to naturally enhance the benefits of massage.body massage  Before each session begins, you can choose one of four unique oil blends to be used in your massage lotion. Enhance your next massage session for onl

Aromatherapy massage oils are the basic requirements for aromatherapy. For more than hundreds of decades aromatherapy is being practiced for relaxation and for curing. It is perfect for those who suffer from depression, anxiety, stress or many other ailments both physical and mental.

One of the main methods of aromatherapy to relieve physical nuisances and emotional stress is massage.Various massage techniques in combination with the beneficial properties of essential oils  make aromatherapy massage ideal for Usually the duration of a aromatherapy massage is approximately one hour. This is the time required for the essential oils to enter the body through the skin,

Aromatherapy body massage is a type of massage therapy that incorporates the use of concentrated plant oils, known as essential oils, which are added to the massage oil or lotion used. This is one of the most popular types of massage at spas around the world.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Tips Yoga Poses For Benefits Of Belly Fat

The Yoga Poses for Beginners library serves as a comprehensive intro guide to the most popular yoga poses and sequences, featuring images and videos with how-to instructions and tips.Becoming familiar with and learning these beginner poses should get you through a class in any of the types of yoga styles. The beginners pose library also serves as a great learning tool and reference guide as you continue to develop your yoga practice

Whilst has been an age-old practice that has become more of a lifestyle for many, in contemporary times, it is considered an excellent form of exercise. Losing weight and staying fit are two of the most common objectives of practicing Yoga. Poses So, then, can yoga also help lose belly fat? Definitely. Read on to know how.

1.Side Stretches                                       
To do the side stretches, you need to stand straight. Keep your feet apart, at the shoulder’s width. Raise one arm over your head and lean to that side as far as possible. Repeat this with the other arm. You should feel the strain on the side of your belly, since that is where the fat burns off, with the help of this exercise.

2.Straight Leg Lift
Lie down straight on your back, on a yoga mat. Place a thin book or other block between your inner thighs. Now, slowly, bring your legs straight up, with the feet pointing toward the ceiling, and without the knees bending. Keeping the back pressed to the ground, maintain this position for a few seconds, before bringing the legs down without bending. Repeat.

3.Locust Pose
Lie down flat on your yoga mat, with your face facing down. Stretch out your legs and arms as far wide as possible. Keeping both arms and legs absolutely straight,  Abdominal Exercise  lift the head, arms, chest and legs all at the same time. Maintain this position for a few seconds before slowly lowering all parts simultaneously. Repeat.

4.Bridge Pose
This pose is very helpful in burning the belly fat as well as building the muscles of the abdomen. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep your feet apart from each other. Your arms should be straight by the side of your body. Now lift your torso off the ground, leaving your head, arms and feet planted right where they are. Maintain the position for a few seconds, before gradually lowering the body back on the mat. Repeat.

5.Modified Wheel
Another tremendous yoga posture, this one is great for reducing belly fat too. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep the feet a little apart from each other. Keep your feet and palms flat on the ground. Now lift your hips and torso up towards the ceiling. Maintain the position for a few seconds. Gently lower the body back to the ground. Repeat.

Regular practice of some or all of the above positions s bound to flex our abs muscles and burn the extra flab around the belly.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Health Care Patent Fitness Equipment

our patent which is the first horizontal fitness equipment in the world. It is EN957 approved. It reduces the negative effects of gravity on the human body,strengthens the back and cardiovascular system, enables the spine to recuperate, improves respiratory system and digestive system, and is a key to the cognitive and coordination development of children and beneficial to pregnant women.So it can be used in gymnasiums, chiropractors, physiotherapist, osteopath , hospitals,birthing centers, midwives, schools and homes

This patented technology generally relates to the software, methods and systems used in insert, transmit and display background images and graphics. This technology may be used in instant messaging "skins" and email backgrounds.

This Patented Fitness Equipment technology generally relates to advertisement replacement for Internet radio. This technology can be used by radio stations to replace broadcast advertisements for distribution over the Internet.                                                                                                            
This patented technology generally relates to the display of certain advertising, informational, and branding messages that appear between or outside web pages when the user is conducting a search, by storing the message prior to being displayed. This technology is most commonly used by travel based and other reservation based websites.

This patented technology generally relates to tracking advertising usage on a network such as the Internet. For example, this technology can be used to track click through rates of web site advertising.

This patented technology generally relates to user activated displays on a website, most commonly known as Pop-Ups, or Pop-Unders. Fitness Workouts Plans  The displays can include advertising, surveys, messages, sound, video, applets and any other graphic or textual content.

From my fifteen years in the practice of acquiring, establishing, licensing, and litigating patents and trademarks, including for a number of my medical device, healthcare, and wellness industry clients, I have developed some ways of making this process a bit simpler to understand and follow.  I have found that most of my clients' and colleagues' IP concerns fall into one or more of the following four categories:

1. A great revolution and challenge to traditional fitness and wellness industry, the first horizontal exercise fitness equipment in the world.
2. It is complex of aerobic and strength fitness equipment.
3. With international PCT patents approval.
4. Gaining German TUV/GS quality certification for our safety, mechanical, and control methods.
5. Perfect combination of cardio and strength workouts that works the entire body. You can engage in the glutes, quads and hamstrings, along with the neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms and core while reaping cardiovascular training benefits.

The present invention, prone crawling exerciser, enables user to perform crawling movement at the posture of all fours down. Therefore some special results and benefits can be achieved.Enable the spine to obtain the complete exercise, improve the spine's pliability, stretchability and balance property, help to prevent or treat the diseases related to spine such as strain of lumbar muscles, the sciatica, the cervical vertebra sickness and the lumbar vertebra.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Benefits of Walking & Exercises In Summer Days

You don't have to be an exercise physiologist to appreciate the fact that the human body was meant to move. Physical activity is more than a perk bestowed by the human physique, it is an integral component of your ongoing good health. Walking and exercising three days per week or more confers health benefits from head to toe throughout adulthood, improving your quality of life and longevity.

People of all ages can improve the quality of their lives and reduce the risks of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, some cancers, and type 2 diabetes with ongoing participation in moderate physical activity and exercise. Daily exercise will also enhance one’s mental well-being and promote healthy musculoskeletal function throughout life.Benefits of Walking Although habitual physical activity is an attainable goal to a healthier life, only 48% percent of all American adults currently get 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day on at least 5 days/week (CDC, 2005). A formidable challenge facing many personal trainers and health and fitness professionals is finding new approaches to motivate people to improve their well-being with consistent participation in physical activity and exercise.

Lowering Blood Pressure
According to an August 2007 Reuters article, doctors at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland found 30 minutes of brisk walking three days per week was enough to drive down blood pressure and improve overall fitness in a group of healthy sedentary adults.

Losing Weight and Increasing Stamina also lists several benefits of walking and exercising three days a week or more, and chief among them are shedding unwanted pounds and reducing fatigue levels over time. Thus, maintaining an exercise program in combination with a proper diet will likely lead to weight loss and an eventual increase in stamina.

Immune System Benefits
The Mayo Clinic website also states that an aerobic exercise program helps the body's immune system, making it more likely for a person to fight off viral illnesses, Health Benefits including colds and even the flu.

Mental Health Benefits
The benefits of walking and exercising three days a week go beyond the physical realm, however. According to the findings of Dr. Daniel Landers of Arizona State University (as published online at, there is "evidence to support the claim that exercise is related to positive mental health as indicated by relief in symptoms of depression and anxiety."

Other Physical Health Benefits
Furthermore, says that exercise can help ward off type 2 diabetes, reduce a person's risk for osteoporosis, prevent the reoccurrence of a heart attack or stroke, and could even lower the odds of contracting some forms of cancer.

Top 10 Most Popular Brands of Sports Shoes for 2013

The most popular brands in the domain of sports shoes are the ones that are worn by the most famous athletes. Moreover, a number of bids are scheduled in order to provide the athlete with the sports shoes he is going to wear for his games. It is all done so that the athlete might endorse them and advertise them, thus leading to the boom in the sales.

Being the most profitable and most popular sports brand in the year 2013, Nike is known for the production sports shoes, apparel and various other sports related equipment. The revenue of the company is believed to be in an excess of $ 24.1 billion. Moreover, the company also has nearly 44,000 employees all over the world. Initially the company had been founded by the name of Blue Ribbon Brands, but in the year 1978 it had been renamed to Nike.

2. Adidas        

Adidas is a German company, famous for the production of some of the world’s best sports shoes. In addition to producing sports shoes, the company is also quite active in the manufacturing of shirts, watches, bags and some other sports related equipment. Being the largest manufacturer in Germany in the domain of sportswear, Adidas is also quite prestigious in terms of being the 2nd largest and most profitable sportswear manufacturer in the world.

3.  Reebok
A profitable subsidiary of Adidas, Reebok had been launched in the year 1895. The founder had originally come up with the idea in lines to his sons desire to have some sports shoes. Initially, the company’s name was different till the year 1958, when the grandsons of the founder had renamed it to Reebok, a word with African origins. Reebok has known to have endorsed some of the world’s most famous sports athletes and stars till now including Lewis Hamilton, Sidney Crosby, Thierry Henry, Vince Young and many more.

4. Converse
Being an American shoes company, Converse has been active since the start of the 20the century. It had been launched by Marquis Mills who used to a manager in some footwear company. Soon after the end of WWII, Converse shifted its attention towards the production of products that will exhibit the true American culture. Stylish Winter Dresses There have numerous ups and downs in the profits of the company. In the year 2001 the company had even filed for bankruptcy

5. New Balance
Known by the name of New Balance Athletic Shoes INC. had been founded in the year 1906. The company is known to have its production presence in the US as well UK. Moreover, a number of European countries also fall in the limits of the sales. One of the most popular models produced by the company include the 990 model, which has been subject to some huge sales. Furthermore, it is also one of those popular brands of sports shoes that excel in offering shoes in various sizes and ranges.

6. Fila
The company had been originally established in the year 1911. Being one of the largest and well known sports shoes production companies, Fila boasts of having its offices in more than 11 countries. The shoes its manufactures include the ones used in tennis, baseball, basketball etc.

7. K-Swiss
The company had been founded in the year 1966 in Los Angeles. Known to be the 1st company in terms of producing tennis shoes, K-Swiss is all about quality and high fi designs. There are a number of reasons for which the company had managed to establish itself as one of the famous brands of sports shoes in the world all because of its classical designs and stripe customization options.

8. Puma
It is a fact that Puma brand had been launched by a German Company which had later onwards split into the top sports shoe brands. Initially, Puma exceled in terms of producing sports shoes, but had later on expanded the domains of production. The history of the company can be traced to the points in which the inhumane Nazis used to rule Germany.

9. Asics
The literal meaning of the name of the company is healthy soul. But are the athletes who wear these shoes really healthy? The company traces its origins to the land of the rising where it had been established in the year 1949 by the name of Panmure Co. Ltd. It producers sports equipment for the sports including football, tennis, netball, golf, cricket, volleyball and many more.

10. Wilson
In addition to making a number of high quality shoes, the company is also marked for making sports equipment and various forms of sports apparel. The history of the company goes many years back, which is one of the reason for which they have made their mark among the top notch sports brands in the world.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Learn Different Yoga Poses and Their Benefits Of Health

Yoga is considered to be the best exercise as it helps to maintain equilibrium between the body and the mind. Yoga soothes the mind and relaxes the body making it more flexible, fit and healthy. Here are some yoga poses that one could perform to enrich a revitalizing experience.

Standing pose      
Standing poses often helps in stretching and relaxing the body. Standing poses are mainly done for the warm up sessions, i.e. at the beginning of the yoga and before performing some yoga exercises. Mainly it’s done in the starting where one is yet to perform the yoga activities. Standing pose as the name suggests refers to as standing keeping the body erect and mind constant. Generally the standing poses involve stretching of the arms, legs, neck, back and shoulders to feel more flexible and free The reason behind doing the standing poses is that it expands the body parts and organs making them bendable enough to undergo the yoga postures.

Seated pose         

Seated poses too are mainly performed in the beginning of the yoga as a warm up activity. The person performing the yoga is expected to sit with the folded legs and arms stretched and placed on the knees. Then with the counting method, the person performs the breathing exercise. It mainly refers to as inhaling and exhaling of air through the nose slowly and steadily. This is known as breath-in and breath-out respectively. One could say the word, ‘OM’ while performing the breathing exercise as it is believed to calm and relax the person’s mind.

Yoga Poses & Exercises
Yoga is a very old Indian practice that goes back to over 5000 years. The term ‘yoga’ comes from a Sanskrit word ‘yuj’, Abdominal Exercise which actually means to bring oneself to a disciplined way of life. There are many types of yoga but Raja and Hatha yoga are most popular in the West.

Yoga Poses for Tips
The Yoga Poses for Beginners library serves as a comprehensive intro guide to the most popular yoga poses and sequences, featuring images and videos with how-to instructions and tipsBecoming familiar with and learning these beginner poses should get you through a class in any of the types of yoga styles. The beginners pose library also serves as a great learning tool and reference guide as you continue to develop your yoga practice. Stay tuned for the addition of new poses, moves, sequences, and videos.

Benefits of Yoga
Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health – whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood as being limited to asanas (yoga poses). As such, its benefits are only perceived to be at the body level and we fail to realize the immense benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling. With all this and much more to offer, the benefits of yoga are felt in a profound yet subtle manner. Here, we look at the top 10 benefits of regular yoga practice.

Yoga Solutions
Many different types of yoga exist, from very active to very passive and from a focus on physical fitness to a focus on spirituality. But within all the different variations of yoga a common thread exists of at least three fundamental practices: 1) the cultivation of awareness, 2) conscious breathing and 3) relaxation. Awareness is the ability to pay close attention to something, to be consciously present or mindful. Yoga is attention training, teaching you to rein in your attention whenever it strays. Through conscious breathing, awareness is brought to this usually automatic act. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How to Lose Belly Fat Through Yoga

Yoga is a type of exercise originated in India thousands of years back. Most people consider yoga a lifestyle and lots of become lifelong practitioners. For modern-day practitioners, the aim of practicing yoga is to achieve a in good physical shape body as well as a peacefully sound mind. Physical fitness is achieved via a series of yoga poses that strengthen and stretch muscles, as well as burn fat.

Side Stretches

To do along side it stretches, you need to stand straight. Keep the feet apart, at the shoulder’s width. Raise one arm over your face and lean to that side so far as possible. Repeat this with the other arm. You need to feel the strain on the side of your belly, since that's where the fat burns off, house of this exercise.

Straight Leg Lift

Lay down straight on your back, on a yoga mat. Place a skinny book or other block involving the inner thighs. Now, slowly, bring your legs upright, with the feet pointing toward the ceiling, and with no knees bending. Keeping the rear pressed to the ground, maintain it for a few seconds, before bringing the legs down without bending. Repeat.

Locust Pose

Lay down flat on your yoga mat, together with your face facing down. Extend your legs and arms as far wide as you possibly can. Keeping both arms and legs absolutely straight, lift the top, arms, chest and legs all simultaneously. Maintain this position for a few seconds before slowly lowering every part simultaneously. Repeat.

Bridge Pose

This pose is extremely helpful in burning the belly fat in addition to building the muscles of the abdomen. Lie flat lying on your back on your yoga mat. Bend your legs and keep your feet apart from one another. Your arms should be straight through the side of your body. Now raise your torso off the ground, leaving your face, arms and feet planted exactly where they are. Maintain the position for some seconds, before gradually decreasing the body back on the mat.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Basketball Drills for Girls

Basketball is one of the most pleasurable and taxing games. Well, I only say pleasurable, because, basketball provides you with an adrenaline rush that will get your heart pumping and pulse racing. After i call basketball a taxing game,You are talking about the game requires you to pump in energy boosting blocks which help you play the game with complete candor, conviction, and strength right up until the end. Basketball, apart from as being a game that has garnered immense repute in the domain, lays the foundation for impeccable discipline and competitive cohesion. A basketball drill may be the primary stepping stone to get your ball dribbling and landing in to the basket every time you shoot. The next sections in the article are certain to foster a detailed comprehension of why drills are deemed essential. In the end, we do have some NBA stars within the nascency, don't we?

Basic Basketball Drills for women

Conducting basketball drills will likely promote concentration while playing the sport under immense pressure. They have to understand how to deal with the ball, and also the team during the game. Listed here are simple drills that will serve to become of great help, coaching the girls to experience better.

Basket Races

That one is suitable for the girls' basketball team. Make two groups and assign girls into those groups. You have to assign the girls in such a manner there are equal number of girls both in teams. Now, position the girls from both teams opposite each other. Delegate several to each one of them in both the teams; for example, if there are 20 girls as a whole, and you have assigned 10 girls each inside a group, you could assign numbers 1-10 to every, in one team and repeat the numbering within the other team. In this way, each girl may have an opponent by the same number within the opposite team. Being the coach, you can call out one number; say # 3. Now, the team members from both teams who have been delegated # 3, will take one ball each, put into the middle of the court, run and dribble the ball and shoot the ball within their respective basket. The one who scores the basket first, bags some point for her team. Once she's 'got the basket', she should dribble back and join her group, placing the ball in the heart of the court. This will teach girls how to dribble. The coach must let the team players to cheer for his or her respective players; thereby, facilitating the primary purpose of increasing concentration and becoming them to perform effectively without having to be distracted by the constant screeches and screams; that becoming an integral part of basketball.

Dribbling Flexibility

It is really an elementary drill for girls. Begin by dribbling the ball together with your right hand; however, make sure that your palm doesn't handle the ball. Only your fingers must enjoy direct contact with the ball. While dribbling, extend your arm slightly; your arm should be right-angled. While dribbling practice sessions, the gamer must be aware that there is active wrist movement involved. While you dribble, continue to stretch your arm, until your arm can extend no further. Repeat the drill using the other hand. This is, indeed a simple drill; however, it builds concentration and improves dribbling.

Speed Drills

The girls' basketball drills involve another exciting practice session. In this, all girls form a circle round the coach. Ensure that each girl includes a basketball. The coach should have a soft ball. Now, the coach calls the name of one girl and throws the soft ball one way. The girl needs to run and catch the soft ball. Meanwhile, girls in the circle will start to dribble their respective ball a long way away from her and as fast as they possibly can. When the girl is able to catch the soft ball, she takes three steps further towards the girl she is closer to, in proximity, and hits the soft ball. When the soft ball hits the prospective, the girls interchange their places and exchange the balls. When the girl fails to hit her target, she positions herself in the center of the circle. This is, indeed, a vigorous, and exciting drill for novices, enhancing their dribbling skills along the way.

Maze Drills

This session is an additional interesting one. Well, method . maze drill. The maze drill is supposed to develop skills of ball handling. The maze drill, also referred to as dribbling drill, is good for beginners. Within this, the coach is supposed to place cones several feet apart. Now, he asks players to dribble the ball using their right hand and move for the first cone. The player now dribbles the basketball using the left hand and navigates to the next cone that's placed a few feet ahead. They ought to continue the same way till they get to the finishing line where the last cone is positioned. You must ensure that they use both hands alternatively to dribble the ball.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Basketball Defense Tips for Players

Basketball defense isn't just about having quickness and good skills; it really requires an immense effort and the majority of brain power to study your opponents. To experience defense well, you need to have strong self-discipline and determination. Whether short or tall, lean or muscular, should you play defense with great skills along with a smart brain, there will more often than not be a uniform for you.

These tips have been in the form of principles and counterproductive beliefs which are directed to players. Details of how you can learn defense are in our books and yet, our videos.The foundations tell you what to learn. Counterproductive beliefs are widely held ideas that prevent learning, as they do not hold true.

The dribbles and passes are moves which require focus and attention in order to strengthen the defense. Keeping control on our bodies movements or to be more specific making proper use of bodyweight, forcing, faking, hand position, etc is essential to learn the defensive skills. A sincere need to become a good defensive player is really as important as learning all the skills mentioned previously.

Keeping the Head Lower
This tip or trick is essential when a man-to-man guarding strategy is used. One must keep the head lower than the gamer he/she is guarding. This position enables quick movements. It is one of the most important basketball tips and tricks to follow.

Balance around the Heel
While guarding it might be difficult to beat the opponent if balance of your body makes it to lean forward. The direction/course of opponent's move can't be tracked properly by this kind of approach. The habit of smoking of keeping weight of the body around the heels at the time of guarding the offense from the opposition proves to be useful. In so doing, one gets the opportunity to monitor the opponents moves and also the defensive player can think of planning for a move to take the ball in possession.

Hand Position
The career of hands is an important aspect of basketball defense. You ought to take a different approach for different offensive positions of the opponents. When the ball is at a height underneath the mid-section, it is advisable to keep the hands above. In so doing, one makes it difficult for the offense to bring it into the shooting position. When the ball that is in offensive player's hand reaches a height above the level of head of the opponent, the latter should keep his/her hands underneath the ball. The offensive player finds it hard to bring the ball for shooting. Keeping both your hands in front of the ball should discourage the offense from shooting.

Cutting-off the Opponent's Path
It's one of the oldest tips that you can make use of in order to restrict the opponent's moves. You ought to always try and occupy this type of position that the opponent cannot result in the move without reckoning with you. It's also important for the defensive player to keep a certain distance between the offense. A spin move through the opponent would leave you wrong footed if you're too close. A spin move is a in which the ball handler spins his/her body and faces from the opponent; it helps the ball handler to help keep the ball out of the opponent's reach. There's also a chance of getting caught having a foul if a player attempts to get too close.

Maintaining Pressure
It is really an important tip to follow as you should always make the opponents earn their point. Preventing easy shots is a of the basic things to keep in mind. Obtaining the ball back by means of rebounds and steals is essential take the pressure off and allow your attackers an opportunity.

Monitoring Opponent's Moves
It's important to keep track of the moves of opponents. You ought to deny what offensive players of another team crave for i.e. a great position and of course, possession of the ball.

Shot Blocking
Shot-blocking is a of the important aspects of defense. Keeping both your hands straight up in the air while approaching an offense is recommended. One should try and avoid leaping because it increases the chances of getting faked out. You should run towards the offensive player even when it is not possible to block a specific shot. The opponent could be pressurized into making mistakes with this kind of move. Information on basketball shooting tips also needs to prove to be useful.